The laws of Christianity were made to control minorities.
People often try to use diversions, politics, or questions to prove the fictionality of Jesus. In this series we say why they don't prove it and answer them.
“Think with logic when it comes to your life”
The Process
Unfortunately I couldn't find any research for this question, so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but here is my response to this question using the knowledge Iv'e learned this year. People often try to throw diversion questions my way, but what you'll soon see is that for every question given...It's almost always the exact same answer delivered.
The Research
Similar to how our sins and the curse of earth does not effect the reality of Jesus, the way people decided to use the Bible does not disprove God's existence even more. If anything it shows again how bad humans inherently are.
As a black man, I'm not a christian because white people forced me or pressured me into it. I made my own decision to follow Christ. "But what about the slaves?" If you give someone a gift, are you in fault if they use it improperly? No. God gave us the gift of his word. The Bible is God's love letter to us. If people used it to control the slaves, it shows their nature, not God's character. Just because someone like Hitler decides to use the Bible for evil, doesn't make the actual Bible "Evil". Nor does it disprove the legitimacy of Jesus.