You have a decision to make. After all of this evidence will I still refuse to believe in the evidence of Christ, or will I not? That's up to you.
All of us have a story. Even I do. Some are documented for all to see, while others are lost in the depths of time never to be discovered. While Jesus was a loved and hated man even his story lives on untouched to this day. I enjoy today because now I get to share mine. So now that we're here, lets sit, feel the wind breeze and soak the last blog on this topic.
“Clarity resides at the top of the mountain”
When I was in middle school, I was so wrapped up in making friends and presenting myself to be a cool person to be around that I had completely lost sight of God. I was a guy raised in the church, but Christ was kind of just in and out of my life every so often. When I was in 7th grade I was literally a double agent. On one side I worked for God and on the other myself. I was actually doing quite fine. Had myself a little “Friendd Grouppp” a fun drumming hobby, and some other pretty cool achievements on my belt. There were many times throughout the year that the church would have an event and I’d actually start acting like a Christian that week to get people to go. I’d pass out cards, be nice, and just overall be on my best behavior. Butttt, when there wasn't an event, it was hit or miss being a Christian, and I rarely hit.
Collecting The Climbing Gear
During the summer that year, I went to a church camp called Beach Retreat and re-learned who God was. My whole life I academically knew about God, but never actually used or applied that knowledge to my heart or life. I was one foot in and the other out. At the end of the camp, I gave my life to Christ for the second time, the first time being when I was a lot younger, and I was set on 8th grade being THE YEAR. The year I actually live for God.
8th grade started strong, but by the second semester, my “THE YEAR” was only a “THE FEW MONTHS”. What happened is I let my circumstances determine my faith in God. I was going so strong. I made sure I checked every box on the good ole Christian list. But eventually, I ran out of strength to do that and began to be afraid of what others thought. It went like this… If I was with Joe, Jesus ain't no moe. And If I was with Jimmy, John, James, or Jaqaun…Didn't matter he still ain't popping up in my life. Only a few friends saw the Christian me and it was those at church and those in the band. The ones in the band only knew that cause I knew they were Christian. The thing is that I let my shame and circumstances determine my faith.
Because I didn't have God in my life, I went into covid without knowing how necessary he was. We all don't need God… till we need him. Moreso “Want him”. I needed God in covid so I turned to video games. I needed God in covid so I turned to food. I needed God in covid so I turned to drumming. I needed something, something to make me feel good. I want you to think or write, what's something in your life that's necessary for you to feel good if I were in your shoes that's what I’d turn to as well.
When I turned to tik tok to end my misery I was bombarded with the typical male for you page. Dancing, sports, video games, and lots of humor. However In august out of nowhere Christian content just started taking over my fyp. I wasn't too much of a fan of it at first, but I eventually started watching and reposting them to look good for others. Throughout those first few months of freshman year, I was learning about Christianity and researched arguments against it. There was one night in December though when I got on my knees and started begging God for a sign that he was real. When I opened tik tok the video said it was a sign from God and just shared a basic gospel right after that. Who knew the basic gospel was all a skeptical freshman needed to come to christ again? This time with my actual heart and not through academics and knowledge.
I want you to know that tik tok had no part in my coming to Christ. The power wasn't in tik tok, but the power was in God. He used an app with so many distractions and false gospels and messages to reach me. That’s just a fraction of how great he is. God can use anything you just have to have your heart open.
Now my testimony doesn't end at my coming to christ, but rather it is carried to completion till the day of Christ. That's my favorite verse right there. Philippians 1:6.
After I became a Christian, I immediately began sharing the gospel. Every week I’d sit with people and share the simple basic gospel with them in hopes they’d have the same realization as me. Some did and some didn't, but about 10% of those who didn't, came back later that year. Why? Because now they wanted to be Christian for real. I had no part in their coming to christ the same way tik tok had no part in my coming to Christ. God used me as he did tik tok for some of these people.
Lastly, I want you to know that the Summit of this mountain isn't the summit of them all. Continue to research and study God and his word as I did. Have an open mind, yet be skeptical. Jesus loves you all. Amen!
Willie Rollins